As it starts to get warmer, it is important to know how to prepare your lawn for spring.
Your lawn will be moving out of the dormant growing phase and into its active growing phase, so now is the right time to get the maintenance under control and give it all the nutrients it needs to thrive.
Here are some helpful tips to get your lawn looking lush for summer:
Weed and Thatch Control
You might have noticed certain weeds taking advantage of your lawn in the cooler months.
If there’s only a few of them, you may have to pull them out by hand, otherwise there are lots of liquid weed control products on the market for their type of grass.
If your lawn is “spongy”, this is due to a build-up of thatch.
Thatch can be removed by mowing your lawn back to its runners, nice and low.
This may take a couple of mows to do so safely and effectively and is best undertaken only during the warmer months when their lawn is growing quickly.
Aeration is one of the healthiest things you can do for a spring lawn and is recommended for decreasing thatch as well as soil compaction.
It helps increase the amount of air, water and nutrients getting to the soil, which strengthens grass roots and help create a healthier lawn.
Aeration should be carried out annually in high traffic areas and hard lawns or those with poorer soil can benefit enormously from aeration. Aeration properly done however, can be hard work on some soil types.
A garden fork is best for this kind of work.
Push the fork 5 cm into the soil then gently rock back and forth to open the holes up.
Continue over the entire lawn area at intervals of around 10cm.
For larger lawns it might be more beneficial to hire a spiked lawn roller, part fill it with water and then roll over the entire lawn. You may find it easier to drag the roller rather than pushing it.
Mowing will be required more often due to the renewed growing phase.
As always – never remove more than a third of the plant at a time and always use a mower with sharp blades.
Our team at Simple Lawns are experienced in knowing how to prepare your lawn for spring, as well as the best cut for your lawn.